23 Aug Monday Mindset Mastery: Courage & Creativity
This week’s Mindset Mastery Challenge in the Fit & Functional For Life Community is to get creative and here’s how we’ll be challenging ourselves this week. Want to get in on the fun?
Here’s what we’ll be pondering:
We are all creatures of habit and we crave the familiar, the known, and the comfortable. The problem is that the familiar, the known and the comfortable only yield more of what we already have and what we already know.
Choose ONE thing you want to change in ONE area of your life and think of ONE thing you can do differently for the remainder of the week. For example: if you want to eat healthier meals, choose a color from the rainbow and incorporate as many foods of that color into your meals and drinks this week. Make it fun, count the number you come up with and take pictures throughout the week. Get even more creative by taking a different route home and choose a different market to explore. Use your journal to record how this feels and what you discover!
Remember, you’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Take a tour of the private, members-only Fit & Functional For Life Community now to start surrounding yourself with people who bring out the BEST in you this week, not the stress in you.
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