Mindset Mastery: Next Chapter, Next Level

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Mindset Mastery: Next Chapter, Next Level


Last week I wrote about silencing your Inner Critic. It resonated with so many of you that I decided to keep this conversation going and get straight to the point: your next chapter is going to require the next level of you.

You see, the version of you who achieves every one of the goals you have written in your planner or in the pictures on your vision board is going to require you to become the person who believes that those goals are possible.

Like the Olympian who gets up every single morning to run even when it’s raining, who trains even when their muscles are sore, who gets back in the pool, on the court, or on the field and keeps showing up even when they don’t feel like showing up – you have to commit to showing up for yourself, too.

But it’s not just about showing up, it’s about shaping up.

It’s about changing the way you speak to yourself and not putting yourself down when you miss the mark, not waiting until all of the conditions are perfect before you make the first move, not avoiding difficult things just because they “take too much time” or take you out of your cozy, comfort zone.

You’ve got to be willing to close that chapter and leave that version of you behind.

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What I want you to remember this week is that words matter, even the words that only exist in your head. They matter because your own words are what lead you closer to or further away from your dreams.

I Need To Silence My Inner Critic. Tell Me More!

I believe your next chapter isn’t waiting to be written, it’s waiting for you to be willing.

Willing to invest in yourself so you can learn how you’re getting in your own way.

Willing to say No to distractions so you can start focusing on the bigger purpose for your life.

Willing to step out of your comfort zone, confidently and consistently, so you can actually achieve your dreams.

The only question is this: are you willing?


10 Ways That We Self-Sabotage – Learn More




Mindset Mastery Action Step:


A common trait of winning athletes and highly successful people is that they learn how to silence those voices in their head that lead to doubt, worry, fear and constant second-guessing.

Successful people build the mental muscle they need to confront those moments in life they’re feeling stressed, fearful, reactive and confused. Those mental muscles are what help them play bigger, go bolder, and live to their full potential.

Use the following journal prompt to explore how self-sabotage is likely showing up in your life:

  1. Think of a recent situation where you felt overwhelmed, doubted yourself, gave up, or avoided taking action. Describe the experience in detail: What was the main feeling that surfaced? How did the voice of your Inner Critic sound? What did it tell you and how did it impact your decision-making or behavior?
  2. Next, consider this: If you were to learn how to reframe and manage these emotions to quiet this voice permanently, what direct impact could that have on your health, relationships, or well-being? What would be possible for you and how would it change your life?

Silence Your Inner Critic – For Good

There are 79 days left in 2024 and I’m inviting you to get traction on the important health and wellness goals you have for your life.

You have all the tools you need to be successful but I truly believe the next biggest step is silencing the critic that’s been holding you back.

Reserve a private spot during my MINDSET MASTERY OFFICE HOURS tonight.

First, I’ll show you the 10 Ways We Self-Sabotage.

Then, I’ll share a tool with you to pinpoint the exact self-sabotaging thoughts that have been generating the most negative emotions in your life.

Just click the button below to say “Angel, reserve a complimentary call for me” and your next chapter will begin.

Book Your Complimentary Clarity Call Now

In the meantime, imagine yourself a year from now feeling fully in control, with your mind working for you, not against you.

Feel the excitement in living a passion-filled, purpose-driven life fueled by unshakeable belief in yourself and unwavering commitment to designing the life you deserve.

Feel the joy in knowing that you’re not only writing a new chapter, you’re living it.

Commit to your vision by taking action to silence your inner critic today.

Decide right now that you deserve the opportunity to write a bigger, bolder, and brighter chapter in your life. Because you do.

I’m Ready! Book My Complimentary Session Now!

Be well. Be love(d). Be good to yourself,

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