02 Sep Mindset Mastery: Expect A Miracle
Hello friend, I used to be the person who worried non-stop about making the right decision. In fact on national holidays like Labor Day, here in the United States, I would be sitting at a cookout re-thinking all of the decisions I had made at work about my patients’ health concerns. Should I have ordered a CAT Scan for Mrs. Smith’s headaches? Should I have put Mr. Jones on a different blood pressure medication? And it wasn’t just re-thinking I was over-thinking too and always envisioning the worst case scenario. What if Mr. Davis has a blood clot? He could have a stroke. Or what if he winds up in the E.R.? It wasn’t until one afternoon when one of the senior doctors in my primary care practice approached me in the lunch room about why I looked so tired and frustrated. I let him him in on what was happening: constant mental gymnastics that felt like the hallmark of my life. Dr. Geller, my mentor, put a calm hand on my shoulder and said, “Angel, just make a decision. Make the best decision you can with what you know. You’re not in the ICU anymore.”
What Dr. Geller knew about me was that I’d spent a large part of my young adult life working in intensive care, trauma units and emergency rooms where every decision was a critical decision. At Johns Hopkins Hospital and the R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore, we nurses were trained to not only know what to do in a critical situation but to always anticipate it and bet on it. Even years after I had left the hospital setting it never occurred to me how much the crisis-anticipation, worried mind had infiltrated my everyday life.
Quiet The Mind, Calm The Heart Learning how to silence the never ending chatter in my mind saved my life. It saved me from the kind of panic and fear that only leads to destructive, disorganized thinking. It saved me from the kind of anxiety and dread that only leads to burnout and mental fatigue. It saved me from the kind of sadness and regret that comes from rethinking the same decisions over and over again and missing out on the present moments in front of me. Learning how to quiet my mind taught me that with a calm heart I could always expect a miracle.
If constant worry and overthinking is creating angst, anxiety, and fear in your life I want you to know that you are not alone. In the noisy, chaotic world we live in now, it takes intentional practice and specific skills in a nurturing environment to reframe those thoughts in your mind.
What I want you to remember this week Reader is that you are always one empowering decision away from the life you truly want to live. The right decision is always inside you and I believe it’s time for you to allow those decisions to emerge. I’d love for you to experience the joy of a quiet mind and calm heart on retreat with me this September so that you can start making the empowering decisions that lead to miracles. We have 1 waterfront suite remaining in the quiet, serene oasis of the Yucatan to help you get there. Your Retreat Experience Will Include:
If you’re still on the fence and feeling a tug at your heart – it’s not too late to say YES. Reserve a private spot during my MINDSET MASTERY COMMUNITY OFFICE HOURS tonight. We’ll take a few minutes to chat about where you’d like to go in life and what’s making it hard for you to move forward. Just click REPLY and say “Angel, reserve a call for me” and I’ll send you the Zoom link. Can’t make it tonight, no problem. Send me a message anyway and say, “Angel, I need this” and we’ll schedule a time this week that works for you.
In the meantime, here’s a simple visualization to try out today: Imagine yourself a year from now living the life you really want. What decisions have you made that led you in the right direction? What have you finally let go of that was holding you back? What new routines have you adopted in your life that keep your heart calm and your mind clear? Feel the excitement in knowing that the mental chatter that’s been holding you back has set you free. Feel the joy you will have in knowing that one simple shift changed the entire direction of your life and write those heart centered feelings in your journal. Don’t let your mind talk you out of taking action to achieve the joy and fulfillment you deserve. Click REPLY, reserve that final suite, and decide right now that you are worthy of the life you’ve been dreaming of Reader. Because you are. Be well. Be love(d). Be good to yourself,
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