Top 6 Cancer-Fighting Herbs & Spices + HeartMath for Heart Health

Top 6 Cancer-Fighting Herbs & Spices + HeartMath for Heart Health

Your weekly housecall filled with everything you need to know to live longer and live betternaturally. Missed an issue or want to forward to a friend? Find it all right here.

Hey there, friend!

It’s hard to believe we are already well into February! As we step into the New Year in January, it’s common to feel like you’ve got to set big ambitious goals. For many people (myself included) the problem with this is that too many big ambitious goals can leave us feeling overwhelmed. Piling too many activities into an already packed schedule is simply impossible to maintain around this time of the year.

Instead of fixating on what you want to accomplish, take a moment to reflect on what truly matters to you. Goals should be reflections of what you want most in your life, and the best way to get there is by making achievable goals.

When it comes to setting goals, having a solid plan is key. Ask yourself: How am I going to make this happen?

Small Objectives: While it’s great to dream big, breaking down your goals into smaller, manageable steps can make them more achievable. Creating a timeline with realistic milestones can guide you toward your ultimate objective.

Support Your Mental Health: Accomplishing your goals not only brings a sense of pride but also boosts your self-esteem. Goals can significantly impact your mental well-being, offering a sense of purpose and joy, especially during challenging times. Achieving goals provides direction, holds you accountable, and strengthens your sense of identity.

Know Yourself: It’s important to be aware of your limitations when setting goals. Being realistic about your capabilities and starting with smaller, more attainable goals can set you up for success. Rather than expecting perfection from the start, focus on gradual progress and growth.

Consider incorporating changes into your daily routine instead of making drastic alterations. Start small and build on it. Integrating manageable actions into your lifestyle can lead to long-term success.

Healthy Expectations: It’s essential to maintain healthy expectations and be flexible in how you choose to tackle your goals. Recognize that external factors beyond your control may affect your progress. Embrace any progress you make, no matter how small, and remember that every step forward is worth celebrating.

Accountability Team: Having a support system can significantly impact your journey toward achieving your goals. Whether it’s a friend, family member, mentor, or an online community, having someone to provide encouragement and hold you accountable can be invaluable.

Goals should not be a source of stress but rather a pathway to happiness. By setting realistic goals, creating a solid plan, and cultivating a supportive environment, you have the power to shape a fulfilling future filled with joy and contentment.

If you have big goals this year and don’t know where to start or have struggled with the 2024 goals you set at the beginning of the year, you might be missing this crucial step! The Year in Review Workbook provides the necessary tools to help you create a purposeful and intentional future by illuminating your path forward with clarity, purpose, and resilience.

In this workbook, you’ll learn how to supercharge your 2024 goals by taking action to:

  • Harvest growth from your past experiences
  • Gain clarity through self-discovery
  • Recognize patterns and themes that hold you back
  • Learn the key ingredient to staying motivated all year
  • Discover how to overcome roadblocks

​Utilizing the Year in Review Workbook provides an outline for creating manageable goals for yourself and provides insight into what to do if you are struggling with your goals.

Struggling to develop your own goals? You don’t have to pull all the pieces of your physical, emotional, and mental wellness together alone!

Let’s talk about it on a FREE health coaching call.

Yours in good health,


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Do you have a burning question about your health or well-being? Every Friday, I’ll be answering questions LIVE on Instagram. All questions remain anonymous – so no question is too embarrassing. Ask Me (Almost!) Anything will be available for replay following the live session.

Research & News You Can Use

Top 6 Cancer-Fighting Herbs & Spices

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February is National Cancer Awareness Month – one of the most important health observances for me personally and professionally.

The United States government estimates that nearly 2 million Americans were diagnosed with cancer (other than non-melanoma skin cancer) during 2023, and that more than 600,000 died from their disease. Research shows that more than 40 percent of these cases and nearly half of the deaths can be attributed to preventable causes – smoking, excess body weight, physical inactivity, and excessive exposure to the sun, among others. This is where lifestyle medicine can help.

Herbs and spices can do so much more than just add to the flavor on your plate. They can help strengthen the immune system and help prevent cancer.

Here are six of my personal favorites to spice up your food and keep you in good health.

1) Turmeric: It’s a yellow curry powder (active polyphenol ingredient is curcumin) that is shown to inhibit growth of cancer cells. It is also an anti-inflammatory.

Tip: Mix with black pepper (piperine) and olive oil to activate and help with absorption. It can be used as a dry rub or added to soups, sauces and stews.

2) Ginger:
Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties protect against cancer. It is also used as a herbal remedy for upset stomach and nausea, and can serve as an appetite stimulant.

Steep a few thin slices in hot water for 10 minutes to create a soothing tea.

3) Cayenne Pepper:
This hot pepper contains capsaicin, a powerful antioxidant that helps with weight loss and is an anti-inflammatory food. Cayenne also contains beta-carotene. It is known to be toxic to cancer cells and helps prevent growth of cancer cells.

4) Saffron:
This spice may be the most expensive, but it packs a good punch. It contains crocins (water-soluble carotenoids) that may inhibit tumor growth and progression of cancer.

5) Oregano: The richest source of antioxidants among herbs slows cancer growth and promotes apoptosis (cell death). It carries antibacterial properties and is a natural disinfectant.

Tip: Marinating with oregano can help reduce the formation of heterocyclic amines (HCAs) created when meat is cooked at high temperatures.

6) Garlic:
The most powerful anti-cancer spice is part of the cancer-fighting allium group (onions, shallots, scallions, leeks, chives). Garlic helps boost the immune system to help fight diseases, as well as colds and flu. It also decreases the growth of cancer cells.

Tip: Take one daily dose – 1 clove and remember to “chop and stop” – chop and then let it sit for 10 minutes before using to allow for the formation of allicin (enzyme).

February Events

Stress Less!

Get Happier & Healthier With Heart Math

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by stress, impacting not only your emotional well-being but also your heart health? Has your doctor told you that one more elevated blood pressure reading might mean another medication?

As a dedicated health educator and nurse practitioner, I get it. In my thirty years of clinical practice, I’ve helped thousands of patients whose heart health was on the line with high blood pressure readings that were directly related to unrelenting stress, difficult emotions, and life circumstances that felt out of control.

The good news is that now more than ever before there are tools to help you understand the critical link between emotional stress and cardiovascular issues.

Imagine unlocking the power within you to manage stress effectively, promoting a healthier heart and a happier mood – without medication?

Join me for an empowering one-hour seminar that merges cutting-edge science with practical techniques, bringing you the revolutionary HeartMath approach to stress management.

Discover how to transform stress into an ally, supporting your heart health and fostering emotional resilience.

New On My Shelves!

The Science Behind The Symptoms

Feeling sluggish, flat, and easily distracted?

Reach out to learn more about how NeuroWellness testing can help

Kavinance OS

Looking for Extra Energy to Crush Your Goals?

Meet ExcitaPlus! Feeling underpowered or overburdened by everyday stressors? ExcitaPlus’ comprehensive adrenal support complex contains ingredients important for adrenal health and reducing stress-induced tiredness and fatigue.

  • Extra Strength Rhodiola Supplement – ExcitaPlus has over three times the L-tyrosine and six times the Rhodiola per capsule compared to AdreCor’s adrenal health support, NeuroScience’s pioneering Neuro-Adrenal complex.
  • Tackle Stress & Promote Focus – Research has shown Rhodiola rosea can significantly reduce mental fatigue, improve general well-being under stress, and promote stress management.
  • Mucuna & Harmonizing Nutrients – Active folate, pantothenic acid, niacin, B6, L-methionine, and vitamin C are included to round out this powerful adrenal supplement and stress support complex to promote a sense of harmony and positive outlook.

Big shout-out to community member, Zainab A.!

Zainab, we’re honored to have you as part of our community here at Seva Health and The Seva Institute! Keep up all the AMAZING work you’re doing to stay Fit and Functional for Life! Thanks for the love!

We’re building a movement here so don’t forget to tag us on socials so we can shout out your amazing progress too!

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