Stressed? Let’s chat about cortisol control.

Stressed? Let’s chat about cortisol control.

Your weekly housecall filled with everything you need to know to live longer and live betternaturally. Missed an issue or want to forward to a friend? Find it all right here.

Hey there, friend!

Are you stressed? I am and it’s okay to admit you are too because this is a judgement-free zone!

Stress seems to creep into so many areas of our lives. From our home environments to our work responsibilities to even our own personal thoughts about our goals, there’s always a bit of stress lingering around.

Despite this, I find that many of my functional medicine clients are surprised to learn how much stress not only affects their mental health but also their physical health. Many times their routine lab results will come back completely “normal” leaving them baffled as to why their labs may be fine but they don’t actually feel fine.

Has this happened to you? If so, let’s talk about it…

Cortisol, our body’s stress-response hormone, plays a vital role in our survival. It regulates various bodily functions such as sleep-wake cycles, metabolism, inflammation, blood pressure, and focus. However, excessive cortisol production can disrupt these essential processes, leading to issues like anxiety, depression, brain fog, and more. Since cortisol tests aren’t part of a routine physical, many of my clients are excited to learn about the simple saliva cortisol test they can do at home to get to the root of their problems.

We NEED cortisol to stay alive, but we can take steps to reduce overproduction and how we respond to cortisol. Two key areas that can be impactful for most people are blood sugar management and sleep.

A great place to start getting your cortisol in balance is blood sugar management. To manage blood sugar, ensure your first meal is rich in protein (around 20g). This promotes a gradual rise and fall in blood sugar, providing stable fuel and energy. Including protein in every meal maintains stability throughout the day.

For better sleep, establish a consistent bedtime, limit screen time before bed, and avoid making bedtime the first time you process thoughts and emotions. Prioritize good quality sleep!

Additional habits for cortisol management include:

  1. Control news and social media intake, especially avoiding it first thing in the morning and before bed, so you can start and end the day grounded.
  2. Incorporate 2-5 minute meditations daily. There are many guided meditation apps and YouTube videos that can help you with this if you’re not sure how to start.
  3. Spend time outdoors daily, even if it’s just opening a window or standing on a porch, to connect with nature.
  4. Engage in mindful physical activity, such as walking or yoga, adapting intensity based on cortisol levels. High-intensity exercise can release physical anxiety.
  5. Choose affirmations or focus on gratitude throughout the day, grounding yourself in positive thoughts.

It’s important to periodically examine your habits. You can prioritize mental and physical wellness with a gentle, inquisitive, and forgiving approach.

Want to figure out how cortisol imbalance may be impacting your life? Let’s get on a FREE call to talk about it.

Yours in good health,


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Do you have a burning question about your health or well-being? Every Friday, I’ll be answering questions LIVE on Instagram. All questions remain anonymous – so there is no question that is too embarrassing. Ask Me (Almost!) Anything will be available for replay following the live session.

Research & News You Can Use

Put These Health Screenings on Your Calendar

Health exams aren’t just for diagnosing disorders once symptoms appear—they’re also routinely used as an important aspect of preventive health care. People who see their healthcare provider regularly and have routine screenings are more likely to receive an early diagnosis if they develop a medical condition, and this contributes to better outcomes and a longer lifespan.

These are the health screenings you should schedule into your calendar this year, broken down by age.

Seva Stream

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The world of healthcare is challenging. With the global shortage of primary care physicians, you need safe, reliable health information for you and your family. You need the real science made simple to live longer and live better.

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New On My Shelves!

The Science Behind The Symptoms

Feeling sluggish, flat, and easily distracted?

Reach out to learn more about how NeuroWellness testing can help


Help for the worried, overwhelmed, anxious brain is here.

Do you struggle with stress-induced fatigue or productivity throughout the day? With ingredients important for adrenal health and reducing stress-induced fatigue, AdreCor tackles fatigue and promotes everyday productivity with egcg, which has been shown to increase resistance to fatigue.

  • Rhodiola rosea has been shown to significantly improve mental fatigue and general well-being under stress.
  • Stay sharp and conquer ‘brain fog’ with amino acids like L-tyrosine, a precursor to catecholamines, which play an important role in mood, memory, focus & cognition.
  • An evidence-based balance of B vitamins that include methylfolate, which plays a role in the synthesis of adrenal hormones.

Big shout-out to community member, Christi!

Christi, thank you so much for the congrats about our new classroom space! We are growing and we’re so honored to have you as part of our community here at Seva Health and The Seva Institute! Keep up all the AMAZING work you’re doing to stay Fit and Functional for Life! Thanks for the love!

We’re building a movement here so don’t forget to follow and tag us on socials so we can shout out your amazing accomplishments too!

We Want to Hear from You!

What’s on your bookshelf? Found a great product that’s helping you feel fit and functional? Want to connect to others who are ready to eat, sleep, move, and live better? Here’s your space! Click reply, send us your post and we’ll include it in an upcoming copy of our newsletter.

Let’s connect!

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