Mindset Mastery: Power In The Past

Mindset Mastery: Power In The Past

Hello friend,

Have you ever felt bogged down by your past decisions? How about wishing you could turn the clock back and press the reset button on your life? Maybe it was a relationship with someone you had nothing in common with or a decision you made without really thinking things through. If so, I’m here to tell you that you are not alone. In fact, I want to tell you about how much power there is in your past.

I’m one of those eighteen-year-olds who knew everything and had the bull by the horns straight out of high school. I married a high school sweetheart who turned out to be not-so-sweet. I gave up a great job as a paralegal and moved to a less-than-exciting city where I knew no one at all. Had I listened to my mother I could have saved myself thousands of dollars and ten thousand hours of heartache.

Feelings of guilt, regret, resentment, and downright anger used to weigh me down until one day when I needed to make a big personal decision I realized how much of a teacher my past had become.

My past had taught me to always look before leaping.

My past had taught me to trust but verify.

My past had taught me that all that glitters isn’t gold.

All of the advice my mother tried to give me had become wrapped up in real life lessons of my own.

Once I decided to start seeing every part of my life as a lesson to be learned for the road forward rather than a rear view mirror full of regrets, my entire outlook on life changed.

What I hope you will remember this week is that your life is your creation. A bad chapter doesn’t have to mean a bad book.

You can choose to stop reliving your past in your head over and over again. In fact, it is often your mind constantly replaying a past negative event that causes you substantially more suffering than the actual event itself.

As much as it may not feel so, your past really is behind you and here is your true reality now:

  • You can succeed in business even if you weren’t successful before
  • You can get in shape even if you have been overweight for the longest time
  • You can enjoy a loving relationship even if you were divorced
  • You can experience financial success even if you grew up poor
  • You can be a good parent even if your own parents were less than ideal
  • You can be happy even if you have experienced loss and sadness
  • You can get your degree even if you dropped out of college
  • You can learn to trust again even though others have disappointed you
  • You can make wise choices even if you have made unwise ones in the past

I created a new workbook, My Year In Review, just for you.

It’s designed to help you take a look at your life with compassion rather than regret.

It’s designed to help you find the lessons in your past experiences so that you can grow.

Most importantly, it’s designed to help you see the strengths that truly define you.

Your past, no matter how bad it was, does not define your future. The choices and actions you make today will ultimately define who you will eventually become. Make the decision to learn from your past and apply it in the present so that you can live the life that you truly deserve.

Let’s make this the week you start exploring new possibilities in your life.

If you need support, come on and join me in the The Seva Circle to make 2024 your best year yet.

Wishing you an amazing week friend,

Be well. Be love(d). Be good to yourself,

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