Getting to the root of hair loss

Getting to the root of hair loss

Your weekly housecall filled with everything you need to know to live longer and live betternaturally. Missed an issue or want to forward to a friend? Find it all right here.

Hey there, friend!

Hair is something so deeply personal to most people, especially women. For some, hair even holds cultural significance, representing power, beauty, or even religious beliefs. As we age or go through major hormonal shifts throughout our lives (hello postpartum hair changes!), our hair can change as well.

Is your hair shedding faster than you’d like? If a well-intentioned friend suggested Biotin, let’s dig into that further – there’s more to the story!

Losing 50-150 hairs daily is normal, but exceeding that might signal an underlying issue. While Biotin could offer support, chances are it’s not a Biotin deficiency causing the problem.

What are the possible causes?

  1. Low iron levels: Check your ferritin – aim for at least 50, preferably higher. Adequate iron is crucial for hair growth, and when it’s lacking, your hair takes a backseat in the body’s priorities.
  2. Stress: Intense stress can prompt hair follicles to shift from growth to resting phase, known as telogen effluvium. This shift leads to hair loss about 2-3 months after the stressful event. Examples include childbirth, dietary changes, medications, surgery, or major psychological stressors. Chronic stress also contributes to hair loss.
  3. Thyroid dysfunction: Both low and high thyroid function, along with autoimmune thyroid disease, can result in hair loss. Lab tests can help determine if this is a factor.
  4. High androgens: Female-pattern hair loss, characterized by thinning in the crown and hairline, can be caused by elevated androgens (like testosterone). Factors like PCOS, insulin resistance, perimenopause, or hormonal imbalances contribute to this.
  5. Autoimmunity: Conditions such as autoimmune thyroid disease, celiac disease, lupus, and other autoimmune diseases can play a significant role in hair loss.
  6. Inadequate dietary protein: Amino acids are essential for repair and growth, and a lack of dietary protein can impact your hair.

While there are various dermatological, structural, and immunological reasons for hair thinning, these factors can provide a solid starting point for getting to the bottom of hair loss. Instead of solely relying on Biotin, empower yourself to get to the root of the problem.

If hair loss is a concern for you, reach out. Let’s create an action plan to find the underlying cause.

You don’t have to pull all the pieces of your health together alone!

Let’s talk about it on a FREE call.

Yours in good health,


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Do you have a burning question about your health or well-being? Every Friday, I’ll be answering questions LIVE on Instagram. All questions remain anonymous – so no question is too embarrassing. Ask Me (Almost!) Anything will be available for replay following the live session.

Research & News You Can Use

Today is National Inspire Your Heart with Art Day!

Art can touch our souls and make a lasting impact. Whether it’s a piece of music or a painting, it can broaden our horizons and inspire us in many ways.

Inspire Your Heart with Art Day is the perfect day to take a closer look at a piece of art to understand what the artist is trying to communicate. With an open mind, you can allow it to inspire you and change your perspective on many things. Art satisfies our basic need for harmony and balance, and it brings people together. Art also acts as an important form of communication that bridges the language barrier. Art can really go a long way in making a social impact on our lives.

On this day, it is a nudge to let your heart be inspired by paintings, books, music, movies, drama, etc.., whichever form of art draws your interest.

New Journal Download!

2023: My Year In Review

Clarity, courage, compassion, confidence – these are the inner skills you need to find your direction, overcome your fears, and take action to achieve what you really want in your life.

Never underestimate the power of self-reflection. While some people dig out their calendars and start planning their goals on January 1st, many do not. Why? Because true self-reflection takes time.

Self-reflection is all about learning, looking back on your life without sorrow or regret to contemplate your strengths, weaknesses, choices and their consequences. It requires sitting with yourself, taking an honest moment to think about what transpired, what worked, what didn’t, what can be done, and what can’t. Reflection requires courage. It’s thoughtful and deliberate. Being at the “top of your game” only comes when you can thoughtfully extract from your past to more powerfully engage with your future.

To get its full benefits, you must make reflection a habit and I’ve created a brand new tool to help you get started.

New On My Shelves!

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Big shout-out to community member, Jill!

Jill, we’re so honored to have you as part of our community here at Seva Health and The Seva Institute! Keep up all the AMAZING work you’re doing to stay Fit and Functional for Life! Thanks for the love!

We’re building a movement here so don’t forget to tag us on socials so we can shout out your amazing progress too!

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