Struggling with your health goals? Three Time Mastery Tips Inside!

Struggling with your health goals? Three Time Mastery Tips Inside!

Your weekly housecall filled with everything you need to know to live longer and live betternaturally. Missed an issue or want to forward to a friend? Find it all right here.

Hey there, friend!

As we get settled into the new year, many of my patients and new health coaching clients come to me with big health goals and a desire to make a change to their health routines. It’s wonderful to advocate for things like adding more protein and fiber to your diet, emphasizing the importance of quality sleep, and encouraging increased physical activity—all great things for our health!

However, the real stumbling block often lies in the execution – the HOW.

Enter the calendar.

Like most of us, you probably have the best intentions for more movement. After all, who doesn’t want good health? The problem is feeling like you just don’t have the time, right?

If your goal is to revamp your eating habits, a strategic plan for breakfasts, lunches, and dinners throughout the week becomes crucial. Investing just 30 minutes in crafting this plan and creating a corresponding grocery list is a game-changer.

Now, ask yourself: When in your week can you make this happen?

When and how will grocery shopping fit into your schedule?

Is some prep time required?

While we want to keep your plan refreshingly simple, dedicating that initial 30 minutes is crucial for starting the week with confidence. Personally, it’s not my favorite task, but in my house, neglecting dinner planning and grocery orders leads to chaos. So, it’s always going to be a priority.

When it comes to increasing physical activity, the key is to carve out time. Remember, even 15 minutes is better than none!

Consider these questions: What’s the most feasible way to integrate movement into your routine?

Morning, lunch break, or evening?

During the workday or after hours?

Weekdays or weekends?

Understand your rhythm—will Saturday afternoon workouts actually happen, or should you schedule them for the morning?

Your exercise plan may need tweaking based on life phases and seasonal changes. If you simply state your goal is to “walk more” it will often wind up being a hit or miss sporadic effort, especially when the weather isn’t so great.

But, by pinpointing the day, time, booking it into your calendar, and ensuring your family is in the loop, you significantly increase the likelihood of follow-through.

Finding space for these commitments during life’s hustle can be challenging, especially during seasons of varying time availability. However, a bit of intentional scheduling goes a long way, supporting your success and feeling good about the changes and progress you’ve already made.

Here are three time mastery tips to get you started:

  1. Make It a Date. Prioritize Your Health “Appointments:” Treat your exercise sessions like important meetings by scheduling them in your calendar. Set specific times for workouts and consider them non-negotiable commitments to your well-being. This helps create a routine and ensures that you prioritize your health amidst a busy schedule.
  2. Combine Tasks for Efficiency: Maximize your time by multitasking wisely. Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine by choosing activities that align with your responsibilities. For instance, take walking meetings, use a standing desk, or perform quick exercises during short breaks. This way, you integrate fitness seamlessly into your busy workday.
  3. Plan and Prep in Advance: Plan your workouts and meals ahead of time to eliminate decision fatigue. Schedule your exercise routine for the week and prepare your gym bag or workout gear the night before. Additionally, batch-cook healthy meals during the weekend, making it easier to stick to nutritious eating habits during hectic workdays. Planning in advance minimizes stress and ensures consistency in your health goals.

If you’re like many people who know the what but struggle with the how isn’t it time to get a little help? After all, those 15-minute doctor visits are great for when you’re sick, but health coaching is what will keep you well.

If you’re struggling to keep up in the confusing world of healthcare, surviving but not thriving, let’s get on a FREE strategy call. You don’t have to keep going it alone.

Yours in good health,


*New Podcast Interview*

I sat down with Lynne Wadsworth, host of the Holistic Health & Wellness podcast. We talked about all things food, mood, mental health, and how we can harness the power of food to heal our brains.

You can listen on several channels, including Apple Podcasts. Be sure to subscribe and leave a 5-star review to help others get notified about health and wellness content!

Apple Podcasts

Scheduling Your Movement Plans?

Walking vs Running

Both walking and running are effective exercises for maintaining a healthy weight and improving heart health. However, the results you achieve and the potential risks involved will depend on your current level of fitness and your fitness goals. Although both forms of exercise can help burn calories, reduce weight, and lower the risk of heart disease, there is still an ongoing debate over which is more beneficial.

Read on to learn more about the differences

This Week In the News

Exercise combined with mindfulness best for mental health

Mental health is a critical component of well-being, and research is ongoing about how people can best support their mental wellness.

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Do you have a burning question about your health or well-being? Every Friday, I’ll be answering questions LIVE on Instagram. All questions remain anonymous – so no question is too embarrassing. Ask Me (Almost!) Anything will be available for replay following the live session.

The Seva Circle: January Events

Third Thursdays Journal Club

Thursday, January 18 at 7:00 PM EST

Third Thursdays Journal Club

Have you always wanted to create a journal practice but struggled with getting started? Do you feel frustrated by your on-off-on again routine? You are not alone. Thousands of women just like you know that journaling is a powerful tool for self-care and exploring life’s biggest challenges but often have trouble creating a meaningful practice o…


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Seva Stream™

Where Good Health Comes to Life

The world of healthcare is challenging. With the global shortage of primary care physicians, you need safe, reliable health information for you and your family. You need the real science made simple to live longer and live better.

Seva Stream™ is here for you with practical tips, tools, and strategies that put you in control.

Sign up for FREE access to Seva Stream™ and get your front-row seat for LIVE broadcasts with Angel V. Shannon, MS, CRNP that focus on mental health, NeuroWellness™, HeartMath®, women’s integrative health, sexual wellness at every age, safe supplements, product reviews, expert interviews and so much more.

New on my Shelves

The Science Behind Your Symptoms

Feeling sluggish, flat, and easily distracted?

Reach out to learn more about how NeuroWellness testing can help.

Fatigue Holding You Back?

ExcitaPlus contains non-glandular ingredients important for adrenal health and reducing stress-induced fatigue.

Big shout-out to our friend, Andrew!

Andrew, thank you so much for your positivity and kind words!

We Want to Hear from You!

What’s on your bookshelf? Found a great product that’s helping you feel fit and functional? Want to connect to others who are ready to eat, sleep, move, and live better? Here’s your space! Click reply, send us your post and we’ll include it in an upcoming copy of our newsletter.

Let’s connect!

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