Backed up and bloated? Time to increase this in your diet.

Backed up and bloated? Time to increase this in your diet.

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Hey there, friend!

Did you know that a diet that is too low in fiber can contribute to heart disease? If you answered no, don’t worry. I’ll explain how.

Cholesterol is a fatty substance that the liver creates. Cholesterol also comes from eating animal products, such as dairy and meat. There are two types of cholesterol that we should hone in on. They are:

  • Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol: People refer to LDL cholesterol as “bad” cholesterol, because high levels of LDL cholesterol can collect in the arteries and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol: HDL is “good” cholesterol, as it transports LDL cholesterol away from the arteries and returns it to the liver, where the body is able to eliminate it. In many research studies, higher levels of HDL cholesterol have been found to help protect against cardiovascular disease.

Dietary fiber intake has repeatedly been reported to be beneficial in reducing both serum cholesterol and blood pressure, and so it is believed that a deficiency in dietary fiber might be contributing to the epidemic of cardiovascular disease.

The Vital Role of Fiber in Digestive Health

Heart disease isn’t the only problem that can arise from a low fiber diet. Fiber, while not a nutrient, serves as an indigestible yet beneficial component found in plant foods. It enhances digestive function by increasing stool volume, regulating the digestion rate of various foods, and fostering an environment conducive to the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria.

While occasional constipation is typically not a concern, chronic constipation can significantly impact overall well-being. Studies have linked chronic constipation with anxiety, depression, and chronic inflammation.

Many people find that incorporating high-fiber foods into their diets eases constipation, reflux (commonly known as heartburn), bloating, and even their overall mood. While fiber supplements can be useful, prioritizing whole-food fiber sources is often the best (and most sustainable solution) for optimal digestive function.

Understanding Constipation

Constipation, characterized by infrequent or challenging bowel movements, is a condition that most individuals encounter at some point in their lives, but for some people, it can become a chronic problem. When your digestive system isn’t operating smoothly, it can be a real hassle—both physically and emotionally.

Several factors contribute to or make constipation worse, including:

  • Medication usage
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Inadequate hydration
  • Low-fiber diet
  • Certain health conditions like irritable bowel syndrome
  • Pregnancy
  • Travel
  • Disrupted sleep patterns

Embracing a high-fiber diet can be a game-changer in alleviating constipation troubles, and integrating fiber-rich foods into your daily meals can help prevent constipation from becoming a recurring issue. If you’re dealing with chronic constipation, there are lifestyle practices you can adopt to encourage smoother bowel movements.

A High-Fiber Foods Guide & Nourishing Meal Plan

As a functional medicine practitioner, identifying and assessing the root cause of health issues is typically my first approach. Often, lifestyle adjustments and simple changes in meal plans can help manage health problems such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and many gut issues.

Not sure how to get started incorporating fiber into your daily diet? There are tons of fiber-rich foods you can integrate into your diet to improve heart health, alleviate constipation, and promote digestive well-being.

A sample high-fiber meal plan could include:

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal topped with fresh strawberries and a drizzle of honey, paired with a serving of low-fat yogurt.
  • Lunch: Hearty turkey chili featuring beans, garnished with half an avocado.
  • Dinner: Grilled BBQ chicken accompanied by a medley of cauliflower, broccoli, and a sweet potato.

The Added Benefits of a High-Fiber Diet

While boosting fiber intake can improve digestive health, the perks extend far beyond that. Research suggests that embracing a high-fiber diet can contribute to weight management, longevity, and better control over blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Adding fiber to your diet isn’t just about addressing digestive issues; it’s a tangible step toward improving your overall health!

Struggling to put your health puzzle together? You don’t have to pull all the pieces of your physical, emotional, and mental wellness together alone!

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Yours in good health,


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Research & News You Can Use

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Drugs don’t address the root causes of America’s health crisis

Yet even as many may adopt the newest medications, we need to recognize and address their limitations, including a lack of long-term safety data and potential side effects like nausea, vomiting, and, rarely, pancreatitis and gallbladder disease. Poison control centers are reporting an increase in calls due to medication overdoses, which can lead to low blood sugar and associated symptoms, like dizziness, irritability and — in severe cases — confusion and coma.

New: Virtual Health Education Classes!


You’ve just been diagnosed with diabetes, now what?

If you’re like millions of other people who’ve just been told they have diabetes you’re probably feeling a full range of emotions like shock, fear, anger and confusion about what to do next. In fact, it’s common to feel fear, sadness, and maybe even a sense of loss, as diabetes will require lifestyle changes and adjustments that can feel overwhelming.

Without treatment and the proper education, diabetes can result in serious health problems but like any other health condition you can learn to manage and you don’t have to go it alone.

Diabetes self-management education is the number one way to take control over diabetes and not let it control you. In this comprehensive seven week course you will learn exactly what diabetes is, how to manage it with confidence, and get the tools you need to make proactive daily decisions to keep it under control. From meal prep to medications to monitoring your blood sugars, this course will help you take away the guesswork.

Register NOW to say goodbye to fear and frustration and hello to success, support, and living well with diabetes!

New On My Shelves!

The Science Behind The Symptoms

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Reach out to learn more about how NeuroWellness testing can help


Looking for Memory and Focus Support?

Meet Digest DTX! Unique, naturally derived enzymes for digestion with botanicals designed to break the toxin-induced immune cycle through improved digestion, gut support, aided detoxification and balanced immune function.

  • Are Your Enzymes PH Balanced? Did you know that like gut health probiotics, digestive enzymes need to ‘survive’ their GI journey to be effective? The enzymes in Digest DTX are designed to break down starch, lactose, fats and proteins along the digestive tract while surviving acidic conditions of the stomach.
  • The Science Of ‘Leaky Gut’ in Digestive Health – Food that is not properly digested can leak through the walls of the gut forcing the immune system to respond. Stress, poor diet and existing immune activity or gut bacteria imbalances worsen gut health and the ‘leaking’.
  • Break Toxic Digestion Cycles – A unique approach to detox and immune support, Digest DTX combines apple cider vinegar, cilantro leaf and a turmeric supplement with a vegan digestive enzyme blend to help digest food ‘antigens’ that can trigger the immune response.
  • Support for Occasional Gas & Bloating – Digestive enzyme supplements and apple cider vinegar supplements can help combat occasional mild gas, bloating and post-meal abdominal discomforts.

Big shout-out to community member, Shaquana!

Shaquana, we’re honored to have you as part of our community here at Seva Health and The Seva Institute! Thanks for the love and support you give on IG!

We’re building a movement here so don’t forget to tag us on socials so we can shout out your amazing progress too!

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