Could your epinephrine level be the problem?

Could your epinephrine level be the problem?

Recently, a new patient came to my office in tears. After trying 7 different medications for nervousness and difficulty focusing, she said enough was enough…there had to be a better way. A friend told her about my podcast, she found me on Sanesco Health, and the rest is history. She’s sleeping better and finally enjoying a life without the jitteriness that kept her unhappy and unproductive for so long.

Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, is a monoamine that functions as both a stress hormone and excitatory neurotransmitter. Most of the epinephrine in the body operates as a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands during acute stress.

Epinephrine has various effects on the body, including increased cardiac contractions and blood pressure, dilated bronchial tubes, increased glucose levels, and dilated pupils. Low or high epinephrine levels can be corrected through diet and lifestyle. However, epinephrine can become imbalanced due to stress, poor digestion, and other hormone imbalances in the body.

How do you know if you have an epinephrine imbalance? There are a few warning signs to lookout for:

  • Anxiousness
  • Headaches
  • Problems sleeping
  • Decreased mood
  • Changes in blood pressure or heart rate
  • Feeling jittery, or shakiness
  • Increased sweating

There are natural ways you can begin to re-balance your epinephrine levels. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can lower epinephrine levels, while physical activity can naturally deepen breathing and relieve muscle tension. Social support and adequate sleep are also crucial in maintaining healthy epinephrine levels. Nutritional supplements such as amino acids, B vitamins, and minerals can also help balance epinephrine levels, as well as herbal supplements like panax ginseng, phosphatidylserine, rhodiola, and ashwagandha.

Testing your neurotransmitter levels is important for maintaining optimal mental and physical health.

If you have any symptoms that you believe may be related to an imbalance of epinephrine, let’s get you started down the right path toward balance.

Ready to feel better? Hit REPLY and let’s talk about some options for getting tested and improving your health.

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SomniTR™ is a delayed-release formula designed to initially release 1 mg of melatonin immediately after ingestion and 1 mg three hours later to help the patient stay asleep longer.

SomniTR supports optimal melatonin production by supplementing multiple steps in the serotonin-to-melatonin pathway and also influences inhibitory GABAergic activity. SomniTR also provides support for GABA-A receptor sites. GABA-A agonists, such as Lactium have been shown to improve quality of sleep.

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