19 Aug Mindset Mastery: Finding Your Way Home
Have you ever felt the mixed emotion of gratitude for all that you’ve accomplished but angst over what’s still on your list to achieve? I don’t know what that emotion is called but some days that’s exactly what I feel. In fact, I’m beginning to feel like that is the hallmark emotion of the 40s and 50s: there are so many life decisions behind us and yet there’s still so many more life decisions to be made. College or trade school? We’ve done that. Launching a career? Done that. Buying a first home? We’ve done that. Raising a child or helping someone raise theirs? Yes, many of us have done that too and even lived to tell about it. With all of the boxes that encompass adult life checked off what could possibly be next? That question (and many more) is what’s keeping many of us awake at night trying to figure out.
Wayfinding: Our Search For Home If you’ve ever walked a labyrinth you know that this mix of emotions describes the act of wayfinding. By definition wayfinding (or way-finding) encompasses all of the ways in which people (and animals) orient themselves in physical space and navigate from place to place. However, wayfinding can hold a spiritual significance too. Wayfinding often involves self-awareness, exploration, and the search for deeper connections in (and with) the world. Wayfinding can mean venturing beyond the familiar in our lives; feeling an insatiable thirst for adventure and desire for finding sincere friendship, camaraderie, meaningful work and a sense of purpose along the way. Wayfinding can lead to the accumulation of memories, a deep affection for places, and a renewed connection to freedom and exploration. It also involves using one’s inner compass to find nourishment, purpose, fulfillment and an inner sense of home. While wayfinding sounds good it can create many sleepless nights and a tremendous amount of anxiety if we lack the right perspective and emotional tools.
If wayfinding and figuring out what your next chapter will look like is creating angst, anxiety, or even fear I want you to know that you are not alone. This is a quote I keep tucked in the front page of my journal, in my day-planner and even on my white board at the office. Because Reader with the right tools, the right mindset, and the right company wayfinding can lead us to the discovery of our greatest gifts, strongest talents, and the sense of fulfillment that makes the rest of our days the BEST of our days.
Let The Unknown Inspire You Last week I shared with you that when I knew it was time to put an end to the burnout and lack of fulfillment I was feeling in my career I went on retreat to get still, get quiet, and create a vision board. I knew that having a visual image and a written story of where I wanted to go would help my wayfinding. I collected powerful words and images that reflected exactly what I felt in my heart and yearned to have more of in my life. ‘Let the Night Transform You’ (the quote you see on the left lower panel of my vision board) was there to remind me to not be afraid of the night, that metaphorical time in our lives of greatest darkness when all is still and quiet and it feels like nothing is happening. Every retreat, every vision board and every story board I’ve created between then and now has helped me find my way forward to where I am now and I know for sure it could help you, too.
What I want you to remember this week Reader is that finding the courage to set out on your own wayfinding journey is not easy but it is possible. If anxiety and angst about your next chapter is getting the best of you it’s time to find the support you need at this crucial time in your life. Time to surround yourself with people who are right there in the thick of wayfinding, feeling the same urge you are; people who can relate to the twists and turns and fear of uncertainty in life’s labyrinth. I’d love for you to experience more of the joy of wayfinding and less of the anxiety in a calm, supportive, nurturing environment on retreat this September. We have 2 waterfront suites remaining in the quiet, serene oasis of the Yucatan to help you gain the clarity, courage, and confidence you need to move into your next chapter in life – even in the space of the unknown. This year we’re learning how to write our wayfinding stories along with powerful vision boards that make our journeys inspiring, not terrifying.
Reserve a private spot during my MINDSET MASTERY COMMUNITY OFFICE HOURS tonight. We’ll take a few minutes to chat about where you’d like to go in life and what’s making it hard for you to move forward.
Just send us a comment below and say “Angel, reserve a spot for me” and I’ll send you the Zoom link. Can’t make it tonight, no problem. Send me a message anyway and say, “Angel, I am ready to make my vision a reality” and we’ll schedule a time this week that works for you.
In the meantime, here’s a simple visualization to work with today: Imagine yourself a year from now living the life you really want. What accomplishments are you celebrating? What new friendships have you made? Can you see yourself awakening with excitement, not paralyzed by fear? Feel the excitement in knowing that the story that’s been holding you back has set you free. Feel the joy you will have in knowing that one simple shift changed the entire direction of your life and write those heart centered feelings in your journal. Don’t let your mind talk you out of taking action to achieve the joy and fulfillment you deserve. Send us a message to reserve your spot and decide right now that you are worthy of the life you’ve been dreaming of Reader. Because you are. Be well. Be love(d). Be good to yourself,
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