
This week's Mindset Mastery Challenge in the Fit & Functional For Life Community is to get creative and here's how we'll be challenging ourselves this week. Want to get in on the fun? Here's what we'll be pondering: We are all creatures of habit and we crave...

How did you respond when your Mom put beets on the table? My response was 'yuck1' but that's before I learned the old saying floated around in the natural health community 'better red than dead.' I had NO idea how healthy they are and now they're...

Beginnings noun: the point in time or space at which something starts synonyms: dawn, birth, inception, origination, genesis, emergence, start, point, launch Recently I stumbled on a LinkedIn post that deeply resonated. The title was 'September is the new January.' The author described how the energy of autumn coupled with her memories...